Omnipotent dryer for your matresses, your shoes… and your hair


If you happen to live in colder Asian countries where people sleep in thick, traditional cotton maresses, you will understand the hassle of cleaning them (the bulb) when it comes to summer. First they’re too heavy to bring to the dry cleaners (that will cost a couple of hotel dinners), secondly they’re too big to fit into your washing and or drying machines, thirdly they’re doomed to get mouldy if you shove it in the wardrobe until the next winter (i.e. they simply never get dry… enough). Japanese company Twinbird has developed this dryer that might help save some trouble. Say, after you’ve washed your matresses in the tub, hung them out in the sun for drying undil your patience runs out, you can put them into a bag, and then connect it with this Matress Dryer to blow them dry. The company claimed that 90 minutes is good enough to dry most matresses completely. Also, you can blow dry your smelly shoes after a game as demostrated officially, we suppose you can even point the hose at your hair. The omnipotent dryer is being sold at 85USD.– Sam Chan

Fudon Dryer [Twinbird]

About Mohit

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