How Google is Destroying Your Memory (Infographic)

So, “screen time” has been blamed for lots of psychological problems in our society — hyperactivity, depression and even anxiety. However, there’s now actual scientific proof that using the internet on a regular basis “re-wires” your brain in a way that can destroy your memory.

The evidence surrounding this slightly�disturbing theory supports the fact that Google — and other search engines — act as an “extension of knowledge”. Basically, when you want to know something — like how many copies of Snooki’s book have actually sold — you can “Google” it for instant answers. Because we have access to these answers on a regular basis, our brains don’t store this knowledge. Instead, we’ve been re-wired to simply rely on Google as our memory.

While this may sound depressing, it’s just another symptom of how the human psyche is changing in an era that is filled with new technology.

Check the source link for a really interesting infographic about this phenomenon.


About Mohit

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