The Google Speech Search Chrome Extension

Google Chrome is getting in on the voice activated search function market with their newest Chrome extension designed to trigger whenever the user says the phrase “Okay Google.”

Speech Search

The Speech Search Chrome extension, which was formerly only available through mobile use, is now available for desktop user and is an automatic voice search, which is triggered whenever you say the phrase “Okay, Google.” How is this different to the previous voice search function? Well this time it is voice activated, meaning that the reeeeeeeeeeeeally lazy no longer have to click a button to launch the speech recognition capability.

In order to utilize the newest extension you will need to have an active tab with Google in it; however, your Google search does not have to be a new search in order for the function to work. For example if you search “dogs” and then decide to search “cats” you can continue speech search from the dogs search results page to get to the cats search results.

What do we think about the new extension? It is pretty useful in situations where you don’t have a hand free to search; however, we tend to find that this happens most often on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones.

About Mohit

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